This article writing experiment to co-create a thought piece on "Learning Through Participation and Connected Intelligence:Adapting Organisations to Maximise Potential Benefits" began with a Nancy White conversation a year ago. Thanks Nancy for making the connection to Jo Murray The Knowledge Tree editor.
The ConnectedIntelligence Wikispace where we are collaborating provides more context. I'm joined by fellow co-authors and valued colleagues Victoria Axelrod, my blogging partner, and Kiki Mulliner, an online learning industry pioneer, now capping her experience with Columbia AEGIS program PhD studies.
Using a wiki to co-create the article online was inspired by It also seemed inappropriate to discuss social media and its use in learning without putting the tools to work. Subsequently I'm learning from Tish Grier's experience with the AssignmentZero project for Wired magazine about facilitating collaborative writing projects. Thanks Tish.
With our July 9 article deadline fast approaching we want to ensure maximum reach and input. Hence this open invitation to participate. I'm grateful to John D. Smith for sharing our project with CPSquare members and to Sus Nyrop for checking in from Denmark. Also to Mark Bonchek for sharing insights from creating executive networks including his thoughtful observation that the:
"Issue might be about control and trust, although often just about habit. People usually ask for answers to questions. They rarely ask others for the questions they should be asking."
Having worked with Dave Hawthorne at NYUonline and read his online group contributions over the years, I can't wait to see what arrives on Dave's page.
Haystacks, Vidzeme, Latvia. Copyright© Niall Benvie
We've crafted some house rules on the wiki front page. Anyone quoted in the final draft will be credited and given a chance to review before the article is submitted.
If our outline doesn't work for you, please feel free to create your own page, or I will happily do that if you are new to wikis. We understand time is precious so if sending an email with a quotable quote works best, just write jenny at sageway dot com.
Through this experiment I look forward to meeting new contributors and capturing more of the rich thinking on our topic I know lies beyond Kiki, Victoria and I. Paying attention to Mark Bonchek, are there questions we should be asking that we have missed?
Please join us and contribute your perspectives to the Connected Intelligence Wiki. If you have questions about our article writing experiment, please comment below.
~ Jenny Ambrozek